Ayurveda Treatments, Retreats, Panchakarma

Costa Alentejana/Portugal

Body, Soul, Mind and Senses are a continuum

Ayurveda relates health but also illness always in the interplay, unity   or  continuum of   body  (sarira),  soul  (atman),  spirit  (manas) and  senses  (indriya). They are inextricably linked in the living individual (purusha).    

From the point of view of Ayurveda, we cannot stay healthy, or become healthy again, if not all the mentioned parts of the human being are considered and taken into account in the therapeutic procedure. In contrast to the Western understanding, in Ayurveda both the perceived and the unconscious psychic as well as the emotional impulses are functions or properties of the mind (manas). The soul, on the other hand, represents “the pure consciousness” or the pure self.
Atman is part of Brahman, the soul of the world. With Atman, we are connected to the world soul and vice versa. The mind is unconscious, but active, the body is also unconscious and passive, the soul is also passiv. The senses connect the mind with the body and the environment.