As the crisp autumn and winter seasons draw near, offering us more time to prioritize our well-being and indulge in indoor activities, I extend a warm invitation to join me at my upcoming Ayurvedic Cooking Seminar.
Ayurveda, a time-honoured system of health and healing, has been cherished for millennia. Within Ayurveda, a nourishing diet stands as one of its three foundational pillars for maintaining well-being and promoting health. The great news is that crafting a wholesome Ayurvedic meal can be an easy task.
In this workshop, you’ll be immersed in the core principles of Ayurveda. You’ll discover that creating a nutritious Ayurvedic meal can be accomplished in just 20 minutes or even less, without the need for intricate culinary skills or “exotic” ingredients. Perhaps you’ve associated Ayurveda with complex nutrition plans, but I would like to demonstrate to you that this not the case!
Join me on this workshop as we unravel the simplicity and accessibility of Ayurvedic cooking, making it a delightful addition to your autumn and winter routines.
Here’s a more detailed glimpse into our program:
- Dive into the core principles and wisdom of Ayurveda.
- Explore the profound connection between sensory experiences, taste, and their impact on your health and well-being.
- Identify your unique dosha type to better align with your individual needs.
- Experience the live production of ghee, a golden elixir, and receive a personalized bottle to take home.
- Uncover the art of “vaghar,” utilizing whole herbs in their unground form, and “movan,” the strategic addition of oil or fat before water.
- Participate in the hands-on preparation and cooking of a straightforward yet balanced Ayurvedic dish.
- Engage in an interactive Q&A session, where your inquiries and curiosities find answers.
Join us for this enriching experience as we come together to cook, learn, and feast in the world of Ayurveda and Ayurvedic cuisine.
Contribution to join is 40,-€.
However as early bird (registration until 07.10.2023) I offer this workshop for you for 30,-€
Kindly register here: info@ayurveda-portugal.com
or Whats App / Telegram: +49 172 6701899
or just call: +351 924344441